Saturday, May 12, 2012

Identifying Different Type Of Mineral

Mineral Properties!!

In this lab we studied about different types of Mineral which is abiotic (non living) solid that occurs naturally in the listhoshere. In addition we studied their properties and characteristics including their colors  which we use the steak plate to scratch the mineral on the plate to see the color that the mineral give after we scratched, hardness,  we use the glass plate to scratch on it to see how ahrd the mineral is, Luster how shiny a mineral is which determine if the mineral is metallic or nonmetallic,  Cleavage  when the mineral can break evenly in straigth line and Freacture when the mineral break unevenly. There are also some minerals that are magnetic which can attach on the magnet.

Reflections Questions!

1.What did you enjoy the most about  this project and why?

I enjoyed learning about the different types of minerals because before i didn't anything about mineral and also working with my partner.

2.What  was the most challenging for you during this project and why?

The most challenging for me was filming the video because we had to film each mineral and identify their characteristics and properties.

3. What new skills did you leran from doing this project?

I didn't really learn any new skills from doing this project because i used my skills that i already know to do my research but i also learned to work fast and try to complete my project on time.

4. Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of you work? Explain. 

Yes, something that i needed to do improve my work i wished i had more time so that i would have Ms.Kara proofread all of my written lab which would help me to revise my work.

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